Filling Light In Life Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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Kumarmani Mahakul
Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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Filling Light In Life

Rating: 5.0

I am filling light of wisdom
In my life sure to nourish
I have to travel eternal path
So I am getting ready sure.

You all brothers too do awake
Come on you and get ready too
We have to go back with daddy
He will come soon to take us.

He has given promise to so, so
In scripture we find his notes
While he teaches says often
Be ready ever to travel with

Like battery is filled in torch
Let us fill purity and virtues
This will help us to motivate
Life will be directed to God.

Filling light in life is important
All of you realize in self soon
Time is short, journey is long
Let us get ready to adore God.

Thursday, November 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death,spiritual
Light is wisdom. In darkness to cross path we need light. To have life’s journey birth after birth and recovering from pain of death we need to have eternal light and surrender before God. While we think and link with God we get courageous vibrations. This enlightens life and we realize filling light in life is very much important. Directing life towards God is great in perception while we realize the truth of universe. This is the theme of this poem. This is written in Deogarh, Odisha, India and dedicated to the people of the world.
Liza Sudina 05 November 2015

Light is wisdom. Not many people write about light. not many saw it! thank you for your spirituality!

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Rachel Butler 06 November 2015

Sending out into the universe light is the hope we all reach for until our own light fades. Thank you

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Chuy Amante 05 November 2015

that our eyes may be clear to see, experience and know God as he reveals himself

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Hans Vr 05 November 2015

A wonderful and inspiring poem. I love the image of the light. It sits somewhere inside our soul. If we manage just to give a bit more oxygen it may grow from a small spark to big flame or even a good fire. Beautiful poem, thought provoking.

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Pijush Biswas 05 November 2015

Light of wisdom is essential to human life which can carry us to the God directly.Really time is short when life's journey is too long to perish all sins and enlive all goodness. like this thanks

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 November 2015

Light is the path of peace! Within the realms of wisdom. Nice work.

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
follow poet
Kumarmani Mahakul
Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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