Father Poem by Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

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Bharati Nayak
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Rating: 5.0

about you,
I stop short of writing,
You , a handsome man, tall and lean,
You were our hero
a figure of love and discipline
Honest to the core,
Merciful at heart,
A rare jewel in your profession
You were ever caring.

How cruel is the time,
bound to the bed
You look like a shadow of yourself.

We are paying visits
Speak to you soothing words
To lift your spirit.
But the words sound
So unbelievable
Even to our ears
How can a man between life and death
Would ever believe?

Away from usyou are slowly going,
Sitting by your side
We know, hope is receding.

When you see us sick
How worried you become
But when you aresuffering endless
How littledo we do
Except praying merciful God
To ease your pains! !

I pray God
To give you strength
To raise your hand in blessings
Before you leave
For your heavenly abode.

Thursday, June 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: father
My father passed away on 3rd June 2018.I had written this poem about one month before his death(on 5th May 2018)
Geetha Jayakumar 29 June 2018

A beautiful tribute to your loving and caring father. I know how it feels, I lost my father around 26 years back. Still in my heart he is young as ever. We can just pray for peace!

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Unnikrishnan E S 08 July 2018

Hi Bharati, We all join you in the prayer...

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Bharati Nayak 09 July 2018

Thank you Unnikrishnan E.S. for your prayer.Much obliged.

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Edward Kofi Louis 06 July 2018

A rare jewel! ! May his soul rest in peace. Take things very easy. Thanks for sharing.

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Bharati Nayak 09 July 2018

Thank you Edward Kofi Louis for reading my poems and your kind words.

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Glen Kappy 05 July 2018

Hi, Bharati. It sounds like you’ve been blessed with a good father. With my dad I felt ready to let go at his passing (which I witnessed and tell about in my poem How Faint and Elusive) . I still sobbed when I tried to tell the hospital attendants he was gone. But I think it would have been harder had I not felt ready. I lift you and your dad up before God and pray his passing is peaceful. Blessing continue your way. -Glen

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Bharati Nayak 05 July 2018

Thank you Glen Kappy for your kind words.I truly feel your blessings.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 04 July 2018

my regrets reading others comments I lost mine 49 years ago so I know the grif one carries till a different world he himself carries may his soul RIP

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Bharati Nayak 05 July 2018

Thank you Poet Poet for for your kind words.Feeling blessed to have such wonderful people as my friends and well wishers.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 04 July 2018

very pragmatic thoughts you reveal Consider me as a father too I am in line too but some time still till I become totally decrepit read my poetry A FORTH=NIGHT TO PARADISE WE all have come to go some suffer and are slow to ease pain they have introduced euthasia apply it when he asks for it get his approval while he is in senses coma patients live long even to them docs can; t belong no matter how much they long

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Bharati Nayak

Bharati Nayak

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Bharati Nayak
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