Farm Animals #4 (Limerick) Poem by Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Colorado, USA
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Spock the Vegan
Colorado, USA
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Farm Animals #4 (Limerick)

Rating: 5.0

Sheep are not to be feared
We get their wool when they're sheared
But if you count sheep
When you're fast asleep
Then your dreams are certainly weird

Farm Animals #4 (Limerick)
Friday, August 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dreams,farm,nature,sleep
Kumarmani Mahakul 29 May 2019

Beautiful limerick with fun and muse having nice expression is amazingly shared. Thanks for sharing with attractive picture.

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Phil Soar 01 January 2017

Well Written and quite apt. Love it

1 0 Reply
Spock The Vegan 01 January 2017

Thanks, Phil. As you know, animals are great for writing poems about.

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Loke Kok Yee 25 August 2016

Yes! ! You are among the best! !

1 0 Reply
Spock The Vegan 01 January 2017

Thanks much. I'm flattered.

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Kim Barney 14 August 2016

Another great limerick and wonderful picture. Another ten.

2 0 Reply
Spock The Vegan 01 January 2017

Thanks, Kim. I appreciate it.

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Wes Vogler 14 August 2016

Love it, , rather apt picture

1 0 Reply
Spock The Vegan 01 January 2017

Thanks, Wes. I thought I had gone through all my poems and replied, but nothing here.

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Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Colorado, USA
follow poet
Spock the Vegan
Colorado, USA
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