Alfred Lord Tennyson

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Lincoln / England
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Alfred Lord Tennyson
Lincoln / England
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Far-Far-Away Comments

Rating: 3.4

(For Music)

What sight so lured him thro' the fields he knew
As where earth's green stole into heaven's own hue,
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Alfred Lord Tennyson
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Dr Antony Theodore 12 October 2019

What vague world-whisper, mystic pain or joy, Thro' those three words would haunt him when a boy, Far-far-away? A beautiful poem. tony

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Adeeb Alfateh 12 October 2019

A whisper from his dawn of life? a breath From some fair dawn beyond the doors of death great great write great 10++++++++

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Ratnakar Mandlik 12 October 2019

" A whisper from his dawn of life" . Amazing poetic expression from the master craftsman.

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Chinedu Dike 12 October 2019

A poignant rendition elegantly crafted in heightened poetic diction with clarity of thought and mind.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 12 October 2019

What vague world-whisper, mystic pain or joy, Thro' those three words would haunt him when a boy, Far-far-away? touching with nice theme. Beautiful poem composed by Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Kingsley Egbukole 12 October 2019

Beautifully articulated Kingsley Egbukole

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Harley White 12 October 2019

Beautiful poem, in both form and content...

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Ramesh T A 12 October 2019

Lord Tennyson is well known for his beautiful composition of poems with perfect rhyme and rhythm ever and he does great wonder with the three words, far far away at the end of each stanza of this nice poem!

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Dominic Windram 12 October 2019

Magical poetry from the pen of the incomparable Tennyson!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 12 October 2019

I cite hos last stanza here: What charm in words, a charm no words could give? O dying words, can Music make you live Far-far-away? .............................Indeed, I was asking either: Dying Words, can Music make you live.... Captured well, CONGRATULATIONS on being chosen as The Classic Poem Ot The Day. Hurray! To his great family in the USA. God's Blessings in Abundance. Amen

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Aniruddha Pathak 12 October 2019

What charm in words, a charm no words could give? O dying words, can Music make you live... Musical expression, indeed. A wonderful poem, where, where are such lovely poems now?

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Savita Tyagi 12 October 2018

O dying words, can music make you live......these wordring like music.

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Chandan Dey 12 October 2018

Looking at the world going beyond the world, finding charm of sound going beyond the sound, viewing life going beyond the life... superb strength of imagination, thanks for posting Chandan

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Mohammed Yunus 12 October 2018

something hidden.....wonderful poetry....

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Edward Kofi Louis 12 October 2018

Into heaven's own hue! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Nadia Umber Lodhi 12 October 2018

Far far away nice and superb

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Adrian Flett 12 October 2018

The call of those three words from the gates of birth as also from the doors of death, - far-far-away, the music of the soul.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 12 October 2018

a whisper from his dawn of life. Superb conceptualization and beautifully conceived poem. Thanks for posting it here.

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 October 2018

Far-far-away? no! near, near, more than my thoughtful Sire!

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Ruta Mohapatra 12 October 2018

A delightful, singsong poem! Can be set to music!

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Alfred Lord Tennyson

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Lincoln / England
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Alfred Lord Tennyson
Lincoln / England
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