Fancy That Poem by Phil Soar

Fancy That

The moon was deep in Uranus
The stars were all on the wane
When a man dressed up like a werewolf
Came strolling down the lane

He showed his teeth to passers-by
He snarled at Dogs and Cats
He frightened all the neighbourhood
Including several rats

He was joined by a well built gorilla
A lion and a grizzly bear
And a man dressed up as a woman
With jewellry tied in her hair

They boarded a bus to the city
Where they met up with several macaws
Then a woman dressed as a hyena
Arrived on a pantomime horse

The party was held at a freehouse
Where the beer was drunk by the gallon
And a man in a suit like an eagle
Kept pinching the hares with his tallon

In the city around about midnight
The strangest of sights then occured
A load of marauding drunk cattle
Came down the High street in a herd

The place was an utter disaster
The police tried to calm the crowd down
But a man posing as Chief Inspector
Made the constables sit on the ground

They had all left the city by morning
The stragglers had stayed there for lunch
The conclusion to draw from this story
Is that Revellers are a strange bunch

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: funny
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