Family of God
In the family of God there has to be a least two
Even if there appears to be many; perhaps there are too few.
As the head of the family your God should stand
To give support to each member without demand.
To offer guidance and direction for this life's walk
Teaching right from wrong using their voice to talk.
The value of each family member is genetically passed along
Legacy from each one, found in the earthly song.
A song to the glory of God the one creator who gives
The voice of each of us is proof, the vine does live.
The voice of the family has the right of prerogative to give fear
If the intent comes from goodness and only to those they rear.
For strong willed childen do not hesitate to control
It is your responsibility to tell them you are in charge; of their soul.
A punishment is to take away or at least deny
It could stop and act; which will make a lot of people, sad and cry.,
Childen learn intimidation as their constant excuse
But it takes a life time to find out what they will finally produce.
12-26-05 Aho Speaks
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem