Family Dinner Poem by Ragy Sandid

Ragy Sandid

Ragy Sandid

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Ragy Sandid
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Family Dinner

It was always there
For all to share
When night drew the curtains
Then it was certain

The dinner table will be laid
And everyone sat and stayed
Because dinner talk is the most
Cherished family boast

Which came in first, rock
Disco or tech that it took in stock
The young and drew them out
So they passed midnight out and about

From a laugh and solemn promise
To catch the wrongs one would miss
And feel the champion of the world to come
That there is nothing one would succumb

To fingers on the touchpad
To catch the fleeting fad
Or time will run out and there won't be
Any time to solve the mystery

Or crush the criminal or shoot
The savage or make minced meat hoot hoot
Or send the saved message soon
Or someone will be lost in the swoon

Yes, the dinner table now sits alone
Waiting for friendly faces it's always known
Funny how it now turns to a boat
Everyone on one side of it while it floats

Friday, October 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family life
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Ragy Sandid

Ragy Sandid

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Ragy Sandid
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