Φαντάσου { F.Frosini: Ιmagine} Poem by dimitrios galanis

dimitrios galanis

dimitrios galanis

Patero Epirus Hellada [ Greece]
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dimitrios galanis
Patero Epirus Hellada [ Greece]
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Φαντάσου { F.Frosini: Ιmagine}

Rating: 4.0

Φαντάσου πόσο

ατέλειωτ' ήταν η νύχτα
και ξημέρωσε μέρα
φορτωμένη σκιές, βαθειές σκιές,
ανοιχτά τραύματα σωστά.

Υπό τη ρυθμική τ' ανέμου πνοή
απ' το δέντρο
στου κήπου τη στενή αγκαλιά
τα φύλλα πέσανε
ένα προς ένα
ωσπού 'μεινε γυμνό
με τα κλαδι' αποχαυνωμένα.
Πρασινωποί λευκόφαιοι σκελετοί...

Φαντάσου πόσο

ακόμα πιο αδειανό
θά 'ταν το σύμπαν όλο
αν τα φύλλα,
αν τα κλαδιά,
αν τούτο το δέντρο,
εάν εσύ
στον κόσμον αυτόν
δεν είχαν την τύχη
να βρεθούν ποτέ.

This is a translation of the poem Imagine by Fabrizio Frosini
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: creation,human nature,life,love,love and life,solitude
translated 20Jan2016
Mary Skarpathiotaki 04 August 2018

Αρκετά καλό 10+++++++++++! ! ! !

1 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 22 January 2016

note that I wrote 'Imagine' in ITALIAN ('IMMAGINA', ab origine) , only later I translated my verse into English.

3 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 20 January 2016

as I told you, I consider 'Imagine' among my best poems. I tried to make it 'simple' but 'deep'.. and I'd like its message would reach every reader.. Cheers

6 0 Reply
Dimitrios Galanis 20 January 2016

That is what I did too in my translation.I haven't heard [or remember] anything about your opinion on the poem again.It was a suprise to me to fall upon it today.

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Fabrizio Frosini 20 January 2016

you're going to translate all the poems I've posted at poemhunter.com, I see.. it's seems you really are my ''official translator'' ;) thank you so much, dear Dimitrios for this new work of yours!

5 0 Reply
Dimitrios Galanis 20 January 2016

I'm proud of it.In greek saying exactly -word by word-what you say in your poem and by aranging words in a way I did think of, it sounds a jewel of poetical rythms.I hope it will be liked by all those who will read it in all the pages I will publish it.

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Dimitrios Galanis 20 January 2016

Ωραίο θα ήταν ο αναγνώστης να λάβαινε υπόψη του και τα σχόλια στην ιταλική ή αγγλική εκδοχή του ποιητή του.

4 0 Reply
dimitrios galanis

dimitrios galanis

Patero Epirus Hellada [ Greece]
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dimitrios galanis
Patero Epirus Hellada [ Greece]
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