Epiphany Poem by Michael Walker

Michael Walker

Michael Walker

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Michael Walker
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Rating: 5.0

All the leaves have fallen from the trees,
And frost has graced all of the ivied eaves.
It seems that even desert wastes will freeze,
As heaters breathe throughout these winter eves.

Christ's Mass has come and gone without fanfare;
Another year has come and gone by dawn,
And yet it seems the world goes unaware
That God has come among us without song.

But then, there is a sweet Epiphany!
Jesus dwells within the human soul,
And therein, angels play the symphony
Of Heaven, wherein glory may be full.

The greatest wisdom's in simplicity;
There is no folly in felicity.

Monday, January 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,god,love,nature,new year,religion,winter,wisdom
Souren Mondal 11 February 2016

I have a real soft spot for anyone who writes formal poetry.. Sonnets, for me, is perhaps one of finest craft that literature has ever offered, and you have, in many ways, mastered it here... I loved your poem.. I am atheist, my friend, and still this poem touched me, such was the force of this poem.. The words you used has a rhythm of their own internally, apart from the well though out rhythm.. I loved it Luc. Beautiful.. I wish I had found out your poems before... Thank you for sharing, and yes, I fourth it here with the ratings :)

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Luc Leclaire 11 February 2016

Thank you very much, Souren. Honestly, you have paid me the highest compliment I could ever hope to receive for my work. Poetry is a mirror to the mind; it says just as much about the reader as it does about the writer, I think. Thus, I appreciate especially your rare capacity to experience the universal beauty of language that transcends any difference in metaphysical belief. I was just reflecting the other day how sonnets were the only form of poem that Shakespeare (not to mention Michelangelo) composed, so if sonnets were good enough for him, the least I can do is to try my hand at them. I am quite sympathetic to the atheist perspective actually. My poems are inescapably devotional, insofar as I try to grapple with reality and fantasy. I suppose you could say that my belief in Christ is the only thing standing in my way of embracing atheism. In fact, Christ had a strong sense of the absence of divinity, crying out My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? In any event, it is late, and I must sleep, but suffice it now to say that I am very excited to read more of your poems! You have a real talent.

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Dr Antony Theodore 10 January 2016

But then, there is a sweet Epiphany! Jesus dwells within the human soul, And therein, angels play the symphony Of Heaven, wherein glory may be full. the greatest wisdom is in simplicity...... so you end the poem. liked it very much. so much that you write about Jesus. Jesus christ is the lover of my soul. after studying philosophy of religions, i came to the conclusion, there is no one like Jesus in the religious history of mankind. you write beautifully about jesus, ephiphany. thank you dear poet. tony

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Luc Leclaire 10 January 2016

Thank you for the kind words, Tony. It means a lot to me. If I can touch one person, it is enough. I am glad you enjoy my poetry. I have researched many religions myself, and I have come to the same conclusion. Jesus is Love, Logos, Alpha and Omega, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is no one like him, but He lives on in us. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit exults in God my Savior!

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Spock The Vegan 04 January 2016

Very nice. I second the 10.

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Luc Leclaire 04 January 2016

Thank you; Happy New Year!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 January 2016

The greatest wisdom's in simplicity we get in Epiphany. Very fantastic philosophical poem shared with reality. Amazing definitely.10

2 0 Reply
Luc Leclaire 04 January 2016

Glad you enjoyed it; Happy New Year!

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Michael Walker

Michael Walker

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Michael Walker
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