Environment poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best Environment poems ever written. Read all poems about Environment.
desert sucks upper water to store in the deep
trees, plants, herbs and grasses are about to die
sunshine reflects on mirages there
mirages elude and mislead the travelers,
The dry leaves are shaken off by the wind
The wind softly whispered in the tired of the dizzy climate
The land regenerates willingly on the animals that inhabit it
The leaves are ready and willing to be eaten by insects, worms and slugs
The wind whistles eerily, as the storm approaches,
it gradually encroaches, taking over
like some unscrupulous military machine,
giving way to no one,
Your journey begins on 18th or 19th day
After fertilization of eggs
You are the first organ to be formed
And function to beat and pump blood
I am a little pink Rose!
I bloomed to see
This beautiful world,
To enjoy the monsoon,
Broken bottles everywhere with plastic bags
Charred pieces of glass with boxes and fags
Ripping out plants and tearing down trees.
Is this the beautiful environment surrounding me?
I can't stop missing you
Sitting in a gloomy place
Can any one think of shooting pigeon or sparrow?
With any of the edged weapon or pointed arrow?
Would you ever think of throwing stone at house of neighbor?
Do you think it worthwhile to make futile labor?
Ms. Nivedita
April 28,2010.
(dedicated to a great poet at poemhunter, Mohammed Al-balushi)
a hard rain
dropped last night
At the behest of witch doctors headhunters are on the prowl.
They're watching, waiting, stalking and avoiding detection,
in the hope of an ambush with a brutal ferocity.
Their bowie knives and gruesome machetes as sharp as
A compassionate young boy,
A kindly Spirit,
In spite of the floods,
In spite of devastation,
Perhaps, it is difficult to imagine
A world class scientist like Albert Einstein,
Sitting in a Patent office and
Working as a patent clerk.
FROM far Dakota's cañons,
Lands of the wild ravine, the dusky Sioux, the lonesome stretch, the
Haply to-day a mournful wail, haply a trumpet-note for heroes.
“Welcome to our new world family”
Words sounded me good and not silly
It created deep impact on mind
I though of gesture to be nice and kind
My dear father,
Who was determined to educate me well,
To the best of his ability.
Remained throughout my life,
Change you can your hair color, not your skin;
Change you can your smile and grin: not your eyes;
Change you can your sex partners, not your kin;
Change you can your sinful life: Be soul-wise!
The directions to the lunatic asylum were confusing,
more likely they were the random associations
and confused ramblings of a lunatic.
We arrived three hours late for lunch
The twenty three years is not a long time
For happening something most significant
To get the details guidance and guideline
Of life leading in a secure environment;
Archeology Of Non-fictional Poetry:
Leaf Of Grass In
April 9—The animal world
Title: Death to All Humans
Be careful, O people of the world Do not attack Vasundhara fatally! God warns every moment Do not commit grave atrocities on nature! ! Planted gunpowder, blew up mountains The place has not been delightfully dense! Man is digging his own grave. As if I don't care about life anymore! ! Lakes and waterfalls are now extinct Wildlife did not get a place! We destroyed the lush green trees and creepers There is no trace of greenery anywhere! Trees once swayed in every courtyard There is no decoration left on those corridors! Where are the swans and cuckoos and sparrows Mother cow has no place in homes! where rivers of milk once flowed There is no water in wells and tube wells! ! everything is getting destroyed every day I don't remember anything except joy Always in search of new resources No one cares about the environment! ! luxury bought dysfunction Does not believe in God! Forgot all the lessons of Ramayan Geeta, No one remembers Quran and Bible! ! abandoning our daily rituals Elders do not get respect! On this sacred land of gods There is no name left for religion and work anymore! ! Be careful, O people of the world Do not attack Vasundhara fatally! God warns every moment Do not commit grave atrocities on nature! !
destroying the elements of life itself There is no basis for life left on earth! ! We destroyed the lush green trees and creepers There is no trace of greenery anywhere! Trees once swayed in every courtyard There is no decoration left on those corridors! Where are the swans and cuckoos and sparrows Mother cow has no place in homes! where rivers of milk once flowed There is no water in wells and tube wells! ! everything is getting destroyed every day I don't remember anything except joy Always in search of new resources No one cares about the environment! ! luxury bought dysfunction Does not believe in God! Forgot all the lessons of Ramayan Geeta, No one remembers Quran and Bible! ! abandoning our daily rituals Elders do not get respect! On this sacred land of gods There is no name left for religion and work anymore! ! Be careful, O people of the world Do not attack Vasundhara fatally! God warns every moment Do not commit grave atrocities on nature! !
Sustenance of All in the World!
Pollution in ir, water and environment is spoiling the natural.l beauty of Nature;
Now pollution is contaminating as slow poison that brings diseases and no medicines can cure;
Progress or Retardation of World?
Use Science for constructive purpose but never for destructive one to make the Earth a paradise;
For that, use Science t keep air to breathe clean by maintaining balance of atmosphere;
Standing amongst the wilderness and the serenity of the mountains. To bathe in the morning light and the sunrise, to comfort our soul in a spiritual environment of God's creation remains our way to become part of our relationship with the universe if we only make time to communicate with peace and tranquility in prayer.
Today, I have the pleasure to interview Peshawa Kakayi پێشەوا کاکەیی, , a Kurdish poet from Iraq. I am happy to showcase international writers for ILA Magazine and Peshawa is extremely accomplished. Before we begin, I will share with you, his biography, and some publishing credits:
Peshawa Abdalla Abdalrahman, also known as (Peshawa Kakayi پێشەوا کاکەیی,) , is a Kurdish poet and writer. He was born on April 19,1984 in Qaladze, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in the same city. In 2008-2009, he obtained a bachelor's degree in political sciences from Sulaimaniyah University. He has published articles in many newspapers and publications. He has published 21 collections of poems, written and published a research book, and a book on poetry based on four in-depth interviews. He also wrote a literary diary. That's an average of 24 books so far. He also has four books ready for publication, two of which are research and two of which are poetry.
cow methane utilized not wasted good for environment
NZ Labour Party fails to; use waste protect environment
instead NZ Labour Party will give 140 million tax payers
all profit corporations should love cows
never calling in sick missing a day at work
efficient workers producing healthy foods
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.