Environment 14 - The Angry Rains And The Pink Rose Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon
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Environment 14 - The Angry Rains And The Pink Rose

Rating: 4.7

I am a little pink Rose!
I bloomed to see
This beautiful world,
To enjoy the monsoon,
The cool touch of the rains,
The sweet dew drops on my petals,
The gleaming, shining white pearls,
The magical showers of the heaven!

But Alas! When the monsoon arrived,
The rains poured down in great anger,
The rains pounded the earth, trees and hills, without sympathy,
The rains just devoured the houses and people without any empathy!

What wrong have I done to be blown away by the fiery, rainy storm?
What sin have I committed to be torn and crushed into the deep earth?

Environment 14 - The Angry Rains And The Pink Rose
Friday, August 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: flower,nature,rose,rain,disaster
The Rains of 2019 in India caused great damage of nature and its environment. Many lives were lost and properties destroyed.
This is the sad story of a little pink Rose.
Aniruddha Pathak 25 August 2019

The story of a pink rose. The nature in its fury is not partial, and it would equally destroy its own creation, unlike man. And nature knows, there cannot be renewal without destruction. One pink rose dies, but gives way to many new. A poem very well writ. You might like to read my poem The Flood.

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Akhtar Jawad 25 August 2019

Nature is blind, sometimes kind sometimes unkind. We all are helpless before the nature. Congrats! A nice selection as member's poem of the day.

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Indira Renganathan 25 August 2019

A beautiful thought provoking poem... if man can be angry and quarrelsome to end in a wary disaster why not the rain too, or the Nature in general...to avoid such destruction including the innocent Rose's death for no reason of hers we should think and think how high we should be eco friendly, how high we should be vigil, how high every human should be friendly with another human..all in account to put out Nature's fury....very much inspiring Geeta...God bless you

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Rajnish Manga 25 August 2019

It is all man's doing. The more you destroy the delicate Eco-system the more will be the nature's fury. Thanks again for this thought provoking poem and Congrats for its selection as Poem of the Day.

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Hassan Hayati 25 August 2019

This is nature, If the rain destroys, it will bring life too. But we as human are just destroying the nature. many congratulations for this poem being chosen as the poem of the day.

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Ajit Saigal 27 September 2024

A little rose in storm's embrace, Though torn, its spirit leaves a trace. For even in the fiercest rain, New blooms will rise and hope sustain.

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Savita Tyagi 04 December 2022

the plight of little pink rose is the story of love and hate that brews in our hearts against the extremes and soft blessing of rain. Loved the way you have presented the poem to bring out the little rose's heartache.

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Smoky Hoss 14 April 2022

Such a touching poem, giving our hearts an understanding of feeling for even the smallest of things. When we experience loss of anything beautiful, no matter how small, it is a true sadness.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 April 2022

A thought provoking poem is well executed with its outlook inscription. Thanks and congratulations for being selected as the member poem of the day. Five stars.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 April 2022

A thought provoking poem is well executed through its meaningful outlook. Thanks and congratulations. Five stars.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon
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