Emotions Are Confusing At Times Poem by mona martinez

mona martinez

mona martinez

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mona martinez
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Emotions Are Confusing At Times

as i'm going through emotions,
sometimes i can't seem to figure out,
which are from the past,
and which are in the moment,
i don't like to make decisions in the moment,
unless i really have to,
i hate feeling controlled,
it's the worse feeling in the moment,
but at the same time,
i get, being controlled,
and somebody caring deeply confused,
it's one of those feelings where,
people pretend to care,
so it hard trying to detangle,
the liars from the honest people,
most likely,
it's the people who was truthful,
who you start to question,
in the past,
i lost that trust,
how can you trust somebody,
that said they won't hurt you,
and turns out it was all lies,
it's hard to handle,
all you want to do as a child,
is to be good and believe what an adult tells you,
but when it all lies to get what they want,
that hurts the most,
my trust was broken more times than i can say,
i didn't really had a chance,
to even know what trust was,
it could be why my meaning of it,
is alot different than everybody else,
and they just can't understand,
why i am the way i am.

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mona martinez

mona martinez

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mona martinez
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