Earthquake Poem by Sandra Martyres

Sandra Martyres

Sandra Martyres

Mumbai - India
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Sandra Martyres
Mumbai - India
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Rating: 5.0

The earth rumbled
Buildings by the dozen tumbled
With the hundreds trapped under the debris
Wailing like the proverbial banshee
Pathetic and tragic scenes did emerge
The entire nation experienced the scourge
The screams for help and shrill cries
Desperation writ deep in people's eyes
All the acute suffering and pain
Was driving even the survivors insane.
The questions uppermost in their mind
How much life, would they, in the ruins find?
Would the relief supplies arrive in time?
Would the sniffer-dogs smell or hear the living whine?
How many would be extricated
from the rubble before getting asphyxiated?
And finally when would the tremors cease
To give people time to grieve and their tension ease.

Ramesh T A 12 May 2009

Indeed it is a very irreparable tragedy the tremor leads to! This fate hangs on Earth forever! A most relevant poem to think about!

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maggie murray 12 May 2009

Sandra, a magnificent piece you have written. I could not even imagine the feelings, never mind write about them.....I hope I never have to...regards Maggie

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Roshni D'Souza 12 May 2009

Not sure when you wrote this, but certainly relevant for today...Really nice description and the rhyme is so easy and unforced! Pleasure to read!

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a hard reality .man is not equipped to handle fear pain at the same have brought out the scene very well

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Patti Masterman 18 September 2009

I find it difficult to imagine so much devastation at one go. Glad I have never been in a real one. I know you live with the threat daily; my hats off to everyone who lives under such a possibility and still carries on life as usual.

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Lawrence S. Pertillar 29 May 2009

What a tremendous depiction written I can visualize as if I was there. Such a captivating expression of anguish and despair. Riveting. Reminds one that the Earth also has an agenda. And to communicate with it is all that it wishes. Nice and spellbinding.

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Shashendra Amalshan 17 May 2009

very visual poem indeed...fulll of auditory and vivid visual images..u ve porttrayed a very realistic picture indeed...and very touching and moving poem too 10++

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Sathyanarayana M V S 16 May 2009

Poignantly described the after math of an earthquake. But why this late cry?

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Kesav Easwaran 13 May 2009

Earthquake...eloquent description, Sandra...your words live a tragedy inside your write...10

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Sandra Martyres

Sandra Martyres

Mumbai - India
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Sandra Martyres
Mumbai - India
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