Earthling Poem by Nika McGuin

Nika McGuin

Nika McGuin

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Nika McGuin
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Rating: 3.6

The wind blows a laden sigh
yet comfortably, unmovingly, here sit I
where some would become tense
I am lax, billowing like ribbons on a fence

Misty rain sprinkles her blessings
strangers race about, with their duckings and hidings
but I am the ground, happily being soaked
earth's pitcher - mouth open, uncloaked

An overly exuberant sun radiates above
it is what some brown folk, wish to stay out of
I too am brown, and like a cake - I taste better when baked
human, of the earth and on the earth our identity let us not forsake

Inspired by an observation i witnessed. It was sprinkling only a little outside - you could hardly feel it. I was sitting on a bench, just chillin'. Still people were running around with umbrellas and hoods on, ducking and rushing to get inside. It was as literally the lightest rain I'd ever felt in my life.
Daniel Brick 07 March 2014

WOW you felt the lightest rain ever! I love rain in all its dimensions but I would really like to feel that one. I was drawn to this poem by its title. What an insight to identify the ground itself as an earthling and have it speak directly to us about its patience and content - and gratitude. There's something magical in the way you evoke nature in this poem: a good nature poem makes the reader feel more embedded in the natural world and that's what this one did for me. My words seem so heavy and awkward for such a light, fleet and gracious poem!

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Beach Girl 13 February 2014

This is some of the best poetry I've ever read on this site. I've just read a few of your poems and every one is just outstanding! 'I am lax, billowing like ribbons on a fence.' Who writes like this? It's genius! You should be published dear! Oh my gosh, gave it a 10 for sure.

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Leslie Philibert 29 April 2015

Rhymed poetry needs lines of the same length.

1 1 Reply

A very earthy poem and a very good one too... Let the song continue Of the wet clod in the rain And natures retinue The seasons bring us gain........ You have to be truly gifted to enjoy the beauty of the moment when a mild drizzle becomes drops of blessings from above immune to the hurry-bury of this busy world. I welcome you to my page too for your valuable comments.

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Shahin Latif 03 December 2015

Beautiful job. I like this poem. Take my heartiest thanks Poet Nika McGuin. Be well always.

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Akachukwu Lekwauwa 09 June 2015

Misty rain sprinkles her blessings..I love this line. Good work of poetry. Please review my poem 'My Barren Mind'

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John Richter 29 April 2015

Beautiful poem Nika.... I must agree with Steven below. It is much better than a lot others chosen for poem of the day... Bravo.... This poem put an intense calm over me. I want to say this and I hope you won't misunderstand: In this world, especially here in the United States it seems - I think that skin color is all too often used as a defining point in people's character... That doesn't make sense to me and I can not understand how a person can come to be proud of their skin color... We didn't choose this life, or at least in the lack of any pre-birth memories I don't think we chose this life - or our parents, or our situations - or our skin color. Like our names, our bodies are temporary placeholders for us in my opinion, just disposable things that have nothing to do with who we really are. What I see in your poetry here is incredible loveliness. And that is with or without your brown skin. Though - and oddly - when I read the line announcing your skin color it sent a jolt through me because I personally think that brown skin is incredibly sexy.... but that's neither here nor there... Your poem is awesome...

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Clarence Prince 29 April 2015

Nice work, well done!

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Stephen W 29 April 2015

This is good, much better than most on here. The last line is clunky, though. I think you should shorten it, OR sacrifice regularity of form, eg human, of the earth and on the earth; let us our nature not forsake.

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Nika McGuin

Nika McGuin

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Nika McGuin
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