Don't Put A Hand On A Woman Poem by Titto Mutunguti

Titto Mutunguti

Titto Mutunguti

Nairobi, Kenya
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Titto Mutunguti
Nairobi, Kenya
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Don't Put A Hand On A Woman

Rating: 4.3

Papa, dont put a hand on that woman,
She is my mother.
She carried me in her womb for months,
Took good care of me for years.
She means everything to me.
If you want to pull her ears.
Or force her eyes to flow tears.
Find a man..not her.
She is my Mother.

Hey Bro, don't Put a hand on that woman.
She is my sister.
It will ache me when i hear her wail in pain.
It will break my heart when i see her swollen bruised face.
And with that i might never forgive and forget..
My sister's pain is mine boy!

Hey Dude, dont put a hand on that woman.
Can't u see she is a woman?
A woman needs not to be kicked.
A woman needs not to be abused.
A woman needs respect.
She is a mother and a sister.

Thursday, December 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse
Edward Kofi Louis 15 May 2016

Nice advice! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Mohammad Ahmadizadeh 24 December 2015

I hate those men. Good work, dear Titto.

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Titto Mutunguti 26 December 2015

Thanks mohammed...

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Manonton Dalan 24 December 2015

there are women who abuse, use and cheat a man

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Titto Mutunguti 26 December 2015

So true Dalan...i urge you to write about them...i havent had one to one experience with them

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Titto Mutunguti

Titto Mutunguti

Nairobi, Kenya
follow poet
Titto Mutunguti
Nairobi, Kenya
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