Do Not Judge Me (First Poem Submitted) Poem by Tamara DanielCarter

Tamara DanielCarter

Tamara DanielCarter

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Tamara DanielCarter
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Do Not Judge Me (First Poem Submitted)

Rating: 5.0

As I stand before you
with the reality of the shame of my sins in my arms.
Do not judge me.
You do not know me.
You do not know the pains I have suffered,
As you look at me like I am a demon from the pits of Hell.
Do not judge me.
You do not know me.
Picture youself alone as I, needing the comfort and touch of another.
Would you not do the same?
Do not judge me.
You do not know me.
And my child has already been marked like a person with the plague.
Not given a chance,
Do not judge him,
You do not know him.
We all have sinned and it is not our job to judge,
So do not judge me.
You do not know me.

(I wrote this after watching Scarlett Letter)

V P Mahur 23 March 2014

Dear Tamara, I agree with you. It is only for God to judge what we are. Nice poem. Thanks

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Romeo Della Valle 17 April 2011

A very deep, thought provoking write, well penned and poignant! Full of imagery and depth which shows your great talent! Keep it up! Food for thought you are delivering here! thanks for sharing with us (The world) ! 10+++ Love and Peace for always!

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ngaio beck 07 February 2011

Good advice for everyone

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Tamara DanielCarter

Tamara DanielCarter

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Tamara DanielCarter
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