Different From The Rest....To Be The Very Best Comments
Rating: ★2.7
Being different from the rest
was bursting a move and breaking from the crowd.
Being different meant being bold.
Being different meant taking risks for success.
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i just can't stop repeating reading i like it, i like most these few verses
'Being different meant being alone,
while striving to be the very best.
Being different meant going in a
different direction and meeting new friends.
Being different meant accepting me as who I am, '
that's the soul of the poet, the feeling of the poet, thx for these meaningful words
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i just can't stop repeating reading i like it, i like most these few verses 'Being different meant being alone, while striving to be the very best. Being different meant going in a different direction and meeting new friends. Being different meant accepting me as who I am, ' that's the soul of the poet, the feeling of the poet, thx for these meaningful words