Demography Poem by Elorm Dogbo

Elorm Dogbo

Elorm Dogbo

accra, ghana, west africa
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Elorm Dogbo
accra, ghana, west africa
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At what time would you allow me
My aged love, my newly found love
Where can I find the keys
To open the doors of your heart
For happiness to give me
A lifetime accommodation.

And now, how can I find
The path of your impression
All I want from you, my decade older love
Is to cloth me in your eyes
Love from the female peers I have
Is nothing but a booby prize
Come, come, come and calm me
In your angelic bosom.

You are what I am fond of
Though you are out of my sight
You are not out of my mind
Feelings I have within me
Has imprisoned me
It is more of what
You will hear
On any love song
All day long
When will I pass the stage
Of day-dreaming
Teach me the themes
I have written in love poems
Or those I have read from Shakespeare’s.

Loving you has alienated me
But what I feel within
I can not speak of it
Because my actions do it clearly.

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Elorm Dogbo

Elorm Dogbo

accra, ghana, west africa
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Elorm Dogbo
accra, ghana, west africa
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