Fear less life,
Fear less life,
Only through free state,
Only through democracy,
What we have been experiencing,
Far from the core concept,
Where is liberty in thinking? ,
Where is liberty in admin,
All are nullified by IAS,
A really great trial for free India,
It must be free from IAS admin,
Let admin shall be man of wisdom,
Let admin shall be a man of creativity,
Let admin shall be a man of vision,
Let admin shall be a man of charity,
Let admin shall be a man of IT,
Never be a master mind of facts,
Facts of nil use for the society,
We may convey our message to noted politicians,
To free India from good for nothing admin,
Free India from IAS forever,
To provide simple solution for mankind forever.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Poets see, much more in politics than what hits the eye on TV, is said, publically or hits the crooked media's print. We feel Democracy is only a word, a concept that in realty does not exist because we are constantly manipulated and dominated by so many evil political forces. Thanks for presenting it to us so well, here At Least, Poetry Speaks and some may Hear?
thanks a great for the reading and comment.