Dear Father Poem by Ruma Chaudhuri

Ruma Chaudhuri

Ruma Chaudhuri

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Ruma Chaudhuri
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Dear Father

Rating: 5.0

Dear father,
How is my mother, how are you?

Your letter came like a sweet rain
In the hot summer loo.

When it came, I was cooking
Cooking for family, cooking for daughter
If you could come like the mail
We could join the dinner together.

Then we could walk in the moonlit night
The beauty of nature forced you to recite.
So many poems with the meanings
And also some wise sayings.

When we would return home
Then mother may scold us.
I would give her some beautiful flowers.
Then she would smile and hug me
And I would say ' I am not late, its he'.

Please father, reply soon
I want to read your letter in the afternoon.

Your loving daughter is waiting for you….
She is missing both of you.

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: letter
Akhtar Jawad 24 May 2014

Ruma has written this poem for me. I shall not pay thanks to her, because she is my daughter. I love Ruma and I love this poem.

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Bodrul Alam 15 June 2014

Today is the 3rd Sunday in June, the Fathers' Day. Just felt my heart getting moved heavily to read such a sweet note from an open hearted daughter to a lovable father. An amazing poem no doubt.

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Kevin Patrick 05 June 2014

A lovely tribute to your father, a wonderful story and personal experience. but I will say that this line Your letter came like a sweet rain In the hot summer loo. made me laugh for very naughty reasons!

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Shahzia Batool 01 June 2014

nice and beautiful poem!

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Ramesh Rai 25 May 2014

when mother scolds daughter is always there to protect her father. Please read my poem My daughter and say your like. Thanks for share.

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Akhtar Jawad 24 May 2014

I love your sentiments and this poem, too.

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Ruma Chaudhuri

Ruma Chaudhuri

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Ruma Chaudhuri
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