Day Of The Vultures Poem by Steve A. Politte

Steve A. Politte

Steve A. Politte

Ironton, Missouri
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Steve A. Politte
Ironton, Missouri
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Day Of The Vultures

Rating: 5.0

I stare out into an empty space
With something deeply rooted in my mind.
Never in my wildest dreams
Did I think that I would realize
What is happening at this time.

I didn't think I would see the day
That my heart would be so confused
As it is in this time and age
Of a country so worn and bruised.

The greatest nation in the world
Is what I thought it would always be
But unfortunately that has changed
For now I can see the reality.

Oh! I'm sure that there are many
Who see this decay so clear and real
Who wonder if there will be a way
That perhaps this disease can be healed.

What stirs my heart to such sadness
Is that our leaders don't seem to care
For it is but their immoral doing
The full burden of which most should share.

No respect for life, nor of God
Only relenting to evil ways it seems
The laws have changed from good to bad
I wonder if they even care what it means.

It can't be said that all are guilty
For it seems that the minority rules
Lobbyists abound day and night
With little care to what they do.

The vultures are patiently waiting
For when our final day will come
That freedom will no longer be
As to another force we succumb.

Our Republic has faded, as has our flag
Illegal aliens will someday rule
Joined with them will be their country
Perhaps they will laugh and call us fools.

I pray to God to find the answer
But perhaps it's too late it, or so it seems
Vulture Day is fast approaching
Yes, never in my wildest dreams.

© Steve A. Politte
5/2008 revised 10/2014
(all rights reserved)

Remember November 4,2016

Day Of The Vultures
Rajnish Manga 06 May 2016

While reading this poem, I thought the poet was simply referring to my country. It appears that the political systems function or malfunction in a similar fashion. Yes, as citizens we have to be loyal to our countries. Thanks.

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Steve A. Politte

Steve A. Politte

Ironton, Missouri
follow poet
Steve A. Politte
Ironton, Missouri
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