Darwin’s Nonesense Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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Michael P. Johnson
New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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Darwin’s Nonesense

Rating: 5.0

Too oft we hear it said today
There was no virgin birth
No God to whom we ought to pray
No Christ who died on earth

No supreme being we ought to fear
No devil to confuse
For most Darwin’s crystal clear
All life evolved from ooze

They live for now; there’s nothing more
Oblivion’s when they die
No need to keep Mosaic Law
There is no God on high

How sad such twaddle’s spread abroad
From those who think they’re wise
Whose narrow minds reject the Lord
But greet satanic lies

Creation came through Christ alone
All life is in His hand
One day He’ll come to call His own
Then fools will understand

We don’t deserve the blood He shed
The pain Christ chose to bear
His Liquid Light, His daily bread
The love He gives to share

Yet when The Christ was lifted up
Upon the cross was killed
God raised in Him Salvation’s cup
That with life’s wine was filled

The devil’s lies are nothing new
Yet truth can set us free
Eternal life is for the few
And Jesus is The Key.

Paul Butters 27 April 2008

This is a subject I've pondered a lot. Could Darwin's 'ooze' be but God's 'dust' with added water? As you say, maybe D. never found the whole recipe. Excellent poem this by the way. Best Wishes. Paul.

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Anna Pacheco 26 April 2008

Mr. Johnson this is a wonderful poem! The content is true plus the poetry is very well done. I love the rhythm and the rhyme. Thank you for posting. I gave it a 10.

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Coach Roth 26 April 2008

Although I couldn't agree less...this is very well written and well expressed...to those who believe, let them believe...Coach

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
follow poet
Michael P. Johnson
New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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