Dark Waters Poem by Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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Dark Waters

Rating: 4.5

Thoughts come tumbling,
Down the stairs,
Where to go?
When no one cares?
Maybe down to Endless Sea,
Where Dark Waters talk to me.

Night or day or day and night,
It's the same lugubrious fight,
Should I tell you how I feel?
Or just in the Night conceal,
All these Shadows in my heart,
That prevent any New Start.

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Neela Nath Das 30 June 2014

Pain is here in this poem.A question of insecurity, a sense of nothingness are embedded.But, it's a momentary feeling.Soon, you will get rid of it.Wind of enthusiasm will help you to have a new beginning.Very nice expression.

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Khairul Ahsan 29 June 2014

This is a nice poem with a nice caption. This is how a good poem should be. It should have a caption that would attract the eye and invite the reader to read it. It should make an opening statement that would make the reader curious, and then describe a scene, a feeling or a thought that the readers can easily relate to. Your opening lines immediately raised my curiosity. 'Where to go, when no one cares' is a puzzling thought, sad and somber. The 'Endless sea' and 'Dark Waters', with your usual style of using capitals to emphasize, is an unknown domain to me. But your internal 'lugubrious fight' whether to share your feelings or not, is a known area and I can say that it is always good to share. The poem has its own class, just as the poet. Simply astounding! 10/10.

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Sandra Feldman

Sandra Feldman

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Sandra Feldman
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