Dangerous Love Poem by briangela jones

briangela jones

briangela jones

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briangela jones
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Dangerous Love

so upset
so much i've regret
wish i wasn't in dept
i wish me and him never met
because every since
that threat
he sent
in got me bent
wishing we never went
this far
we so close to fallen apart
i don't see why everybody like him
in my eyes
he nothing but a lie
so many tears i cried
from the hits
and bused
all the lies they acused
me of doing
when its his faught
i try to let go
but its some that got me
inlove with him still
coming to school with me face
looking a discrace
im starting to think
is it really worth it
me getting hurt an
time and time again
people think im the blame
for his anger
am i the only one
that see danger
on his fore head
by the time they realize it
i'll be dead
they think his
god gift to the world
but they fail to see he abusen this girl
he no innocent
but very much guilty
of putting his hands on me
i feel bad for his lil sister
but she cant speak
they think she
the one crazy
i refuse
to go another day
of being abuse
i quit
im out of here
all there left is
my tears

Tiffany Channell 01 November 2009

Check your spelling and grammer. It will make your poems better.

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briangela jones

briangela jones

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