Danger Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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The lion lowered length-to-length,
With danger on his mind
And so he girded all his strength,
His purpose now defined...
His crinkled wrinkled brow felt tight,
His eyes glared to and fro,
Against each danger he must fight
And overcome each foe...

Survival was his only thought,
Adrenalin, his friend,
He'd either catch or he'd be caught,
To win or meet his end...
The sun above had seen it all,
Yet did not stir to save,
Why would it care if he should fall
Or fight so fierce and brave?

The lion's courage made him stay,
He didn't turn and run,
He didn't whimper like a stray
Unhelped by anyone...
His heart was beating oh so fast!
Then suddenly he leapt!
He lived with scars that never passed,
Yet his one life he kept...

Denis Martindale, copyright, September 2011.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Danger'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Denis Martindale

Denis Martindale

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Denis Martindale
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