Contemplation Poem by Marshall E Gass


In the stillness of simplicity your heart still beats.
If you listen carefully you can hear the muscles moving
and the blood coursing through your veins
even getting past the rich waterfalls that journey
ceaselessly up and down your being
for as long as you live.

If you listen to yourself,
search the insides of bone and bristle
deep within those compact spaces
there is respite and rest and wonder
at the magnificent shell within which
you carry your presence.

If you stop for a moment
and look through all the mirrors of your mind
you will see reflections of a past to present
and glimpses of a future. Profound.
There are connections everywhere
to the entire human race
to the unfolding universe
to the vastness of space and time
and the emptiness
within which everything exists.

You will come face to face
with who you are.

Sit still, listen and learn.
Author Notes

We live in a world which is intricately complex. With so much to do and so much to achieve, we often forget to remember who we really are. Sometimes, it is a good thing, to stop and think about why you are here and what you are supposed to do to remain here. The mirage will confront you.

Sit down and look at the enormous beauty that surrounds you. Look into your self.

You always were a part of the Universe and you always will be that part.

Everything has a purpose. Find out what is your purpose by looking inside yourself as the starting point and reaching out as far beyond yourself with all the connectors provided.

That discovery alone will tell you who you are!
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: metaphor
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