Considering Two Spanish Poets - Written In Honor Of Ph's Extraordinary Tri-Lingual Poet Sandra Feldman Poem by Eugene Levich

Eugene Levich

Eugene Levich

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Eugene Levich
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Considering Two Spanish Poets - Written In Honor Of Ph's Extraordinary Tri-Lingual Poet Sandra Feldman

Rating: 5.0

'All of life is but a dream
And dreams are but dreams! '
'Life is a frenzy...
A shadow, a fiction, an illusion...'
« La vida es sueño
Y los sueños sueños son »
Writes Pedro Calderon.

Then can dreams be more
Real than that which we consider real?
And Amor... is that merely also a Dream,
That feeling that gives us breath of life?
Or is love like life itself—a River...
Which leads only to Death?
« Nuestras vidas son los ríos
Que van à dar en la mar que...
Es el morir... »
Writes Jorge Manrique.

Friday, May 16, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Chuy Amante 19 May 2014

You too have discovered PH's finest pearl! Wouldn't you know it's an amazing girl!

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Bri Edwards 29 September 2016

yo hablo solamente un pequito de Espanol, senor. does that high school leftover make sense? hee-hee this poem shall enter Section A of October's 'a showcase for PH poets' very soon. thanks for offering to have me steal, i mean borrow, some of yours for the purpose. i'll also grab one for Section B while i'm at it. bri :) p.s. after reading Wake Up's comments, maybe i'd like to meet ms. feldman?

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Bri Edwards 29 September 2016

hablo solamente un poq

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Mary Douglas 27 August 2014

Reading this poem is like being washed in the waves of the Siglo De Oro of Spanish Literature, it really felt that way to me and- you celebrate a wonderful person and poet (Sandra Feldman) I am just now (happily) beginning to read which is doubly wonderful! Thank You! Mary Angela Douglas

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Sandra Feldman 08 June 2014

For many years I have remembered and recited the lines Nuestras vidas son los rios que van a dar a la mar, que es el morir. And also thought que la vida es sueno y los suenos, suenos son But never had I seen these 2 extraordinary favorite and great verses used so beautifully and so well in a poem in another language other than Spanish, in a Philosophycal poem where such deep thoughts blend so perfectly toghether, . In my view a Modern Gem, if not Pearl of superb dimensions. I am greatly honored and to use mytri to the poet I will say, Chapeau, Monsieur, Le Poet

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Chuy Amante 19 May 2014

PS. The closer you look things only get better so much more than that cute sweater! One my think she is talented well versed and Bi- Look closer my friends there's evidence she's at least TRI! ! ! ! !

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Eugene Levich

Eugene Levich

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Eugene Levich
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