Compassion Poem by Josey Alfred

Josey Alfred

Josey Alfred

Alleppy in KERALA
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Josey Alfred
Alleppy in KERALA
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Rating: 5.0

We may seek help from you, in life
Only few may help those in grief.
The rest ignore all cries for help
​​But all just wait expecting help!

You are, just like the shining sun!
​​Sustain the fields with ample grain.
​​You are just like the soothing moon,
​Who cast solace soothing our pains!

You dwell in flowery med's of May!
And sing like larks and brooks, each day,
And sooth the pain, with words of love!
​And give comfort to, all with love.

You dwell in them, who pay true heed!
To trodden men, who meekly yield!
And drag on with hard labor, bleeds!
To meet their modest, daily bare, needs.
You take such loving care of them,
Those old and weak who, wait for alms,
To lodge in safe a place, till end!
To rest a while, till deaths descends.

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: Compassion
Chinedu Dike 01 March 2015

The measure of civilized behaviour is compassion. A lovely poem, well articulated and nicely penned with a call for Universal Brotherhood of Man. The greatest act of charity is charity towards the uncharitable. A nice piece of poetry. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 12 February 2015

Yes, people live life helping each other with love and care. Compassion is a very beautiful poem shared here.

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Josey Alfred 16 February 2015

Thank you for your good will. I shall post a few more.

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Josey Alfred

Josey Alfred

Alleppy in KERALA
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Josey Alfred
Alleppy in KERALA
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