Come With Me Poem by Peter S. Quinn

Peter S. Quinn

Peter S. Quinn

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Peter S. Quinn
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Come With Me

Rating: 5.0

Come with me to spring
and have some happy hours,
for love is joy on to sing
and touch its moment's flowers.

Life times are a changing
into direct of their own,
times of the new arranging
from under winters old gown

You have love's heart a while
and days that give a chance,
in new spring summer smile
where times are in a trance.

Here everything is going
away to a different finding,
summer in its magic flowing
bouquets of colors new binding.

Come with spring onto new ways
and be in chance of trials,
they're here new summer days
with luck and its fresh smiles.

For spring is rising anew
from winter footsteps gone,
and times are fresh for you
to be in the new morning sun.

Come With Me
Friday, April 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,new,spring,sun
Kumarmani Mahakul 06 April 2018

Having happy hours in life matter a lot. Following life with spring brings cheer. Coming in new way we achieve chance and success. Natural perception is brilliantly presented in this poem. An interesting sharing is done here...10

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Peter S. Quinn

Peter S. Quinn

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Peter S. Quinn
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