I told you I loved you, why did you leave?
You are my daddy please come back to me.
I will always need you inside my life,
even when I say I don't...thats just a lie.
I miss you daddy and don't think you care,
You will always be mine even when youre not there.
You left me when I was 2 years old, and I didn't do you wrong.
But then mommy said you left forever, you were gone.
Why did you abandon me? What did I do?
Mommy said its not my fault, but I dont think its true.
You hurt mommy so bad, and for that I hope you pay.
Mommy thinks its all her fault, I know its not.
Daddy please just come back to me and makes everything alright. Please just come back to me at least for tonight.
Now I am 13 years old, and you still say I'm too young to understand. But daddy you dont know me, you left long ago and didnt come back till you were a foe.
Now you want back into my life and I dont know if I want you. You just keep hurting me so bad and everyone else too.
Now all I have to say is come back to me, cause daddy I forgive you, do you forgive me?
I miss you daddy and want you here you hurt mommy but I dont think she will mind. You are my daddy and I need you around. Mommy just hates you because you left her all alone.
All you had to do was keep your promise, and come back to me like you said. But that wont help now cause to me you are dead.
Dont you worry you will always be in my heart. I still love you just not that bad side, cause you really hurt mommy and put tears in her eyes.
~Written 2 days before my 14th b-day, I am now 18...still no daddy~
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A sentimental voice from a little girl.