Come And Go Poem by love poems

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Come And Go

Rating: 3.8

Suddenly I couldnt feel the warmth of your arms holding me anymore.
I painicked.
I felt the cold crule wind of the real world blowing me awway from you.
I reached out but it was to late.
I was alone in the dark,
Surounded by reality.
I knew you were gone for good.
My life was hard enouph as it was,
And now without you holding me up and pushing me on there was no use trying anymore.
I gave up.
Spiriling downward.
Falling in a never ending hole to the depths of reality.
Life had no meaning anymore.
I had nothing to hold onto.
No reason to try.
But in the distance I seen a small speck of light,
In the dark that surounded me,
And I felt your warm arms holding me up once more pushing me on.
Giving me reason to live and try to enjoy another day,
Using you as my own personal crutch to help me along the way.

Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 14 June 2010

‘Giving me reason to live and try to enjoy another day, ’ from abyss to beloved’s abode…fine crafting…enjoyed the vibe...its is 'perpetual' another day lolol Ms. Nivedita UK 10/10

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