I look at the back,
Of a cereal carton,
Checking the sugar,
And salt levels,
I see recommended daily amounts,
Of various ingredients,
And I wonder,
How will this affect my children?
Will they be fat when they're old?
Will they get fat early?
Will they have a heart attack?
It is all so scary,
And there are so many,
Different points of view.
As for meat:
That is a personal view,
But it does contain,
Dietary benefits,
Which these cereals could contain,
And they do explain,
Their levels of sugar and salt,
Not lying and being caught,
By the media,
With all these health scares,
And fat phobias.
Meal replacements are all the rage,
But not working,
No matter how much food is avoided,
And women and men alike,
All fight the fat,
And fight for nutrition,
Coco Pops being their inpsiration,
For sometimes instead of dinner,
A bowl of Coca Pops will do,
Pressuring me and you,
Pressuring us to have perfect bodies,
To look young and beautiful,
Staying slim through the years,
Using anti-wrinkle creams,
And drinking meal replacements,
Or just a no added sugar cereal bar.
But this is modern society,
Media controlling our food,
Telling us to eat our greens,
To cook healthy meals,
And avoid oils and fats,
Such as crisps and takeaways,
So when you're next,
On your supermarket shopping,
Check out those Coco Pop packets,
Watch other customers do the same,
And realise you're not alone.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Nicely penned. Enjoyed the word play.Thanks