Christmas Magic Poem by Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

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Cosmic Dreamer
The Cosmos...
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Christmas Magic

Rating: 4.8

Although I wear a christmas smile I am dying inside,
Christmas is not possible whithout magic,
Yet magic is an impossibility whitout love,
For only love is the gift that shall grow and grow,
Love is given freely and requires no fancy wrapping,
Yet this christmas my love withers and dies,
For there is no heart in christmas anymore,
The message has been lost in a tide of tacky gifts,
So my gift remains unwrapped and unclaimed,
I await the day that christmas magic shall live again,
And my christmas smile shall hide nought but love...
Spread the love... The peace will follow...

Dave Walker 23 December 2011

A great poem, christmas can do this to you. I've spent christmas feeling like this more than once in the past. A great write.

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Kim Barney 19 January 2015

I enjoyed this poem a lot, but a few tiny flaws kept me from enjoying it even more. You have misspelled WITHOUT on lines two and three, and should capitalize Christmas on lines one, six, seven, ten, and eleven.

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Unwritten Soul 26 December 2011

Cold freezing snow, but look at the snowflakes carefully how they bold the symmetrical beauty even if frozen curse, Look at the snow when it fall over the sky...see how they cant melt as a cloud's tears but as solid ball..if you frozen your sad you will see miracle, like a symmetrical beauty, from is an art to thankful of what we have. Christmas magic actually has no magic, no magic dust or workable magic wand from santa or whatever...the magic you think it happen is because it from heart, you said you spread love and peace to all...believe it, as they will return to you as the loves back in give and people will share for u..So smile, there's always people care for you...we are a big community, a big family where genetic pools only different and variety but in soul we are similar..pure and care each other, if we all believe..._Unwritten Soul

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Unwritten Soul 26 December 2011

You spread your love and peace to everyone, of course they will return back to you got many people around to care, to jingle your smile it wont dies jingle not to cry...Be thankful Cosmic, lot of people are having worse life than you, than us for a single hope keep ring the bell of smile, there must be a way to reach a new day, a new day where all your wish to be true...we all here for you Cosmic! _Unwritten Soul

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Siyabonga A Nxumalo 26 December 2011

Wow! your poem is amazing...what you talk about here is real.

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Silentpoet Grl 23 December 2011

I actually have many thoughts on this poem .... But will just say you captured the feeling so well -So, in one word: Brilliant. Well, I have to add that I think its an amazing poem!

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Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

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Cosmic Dreamer
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