Change My Life Poem by Arthur Moore

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Arthur Moore

Arthur Moore

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Arthur Moore
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Change My Life

I walk along the street
There's a big hole up ahead
I think about other things
Not watching where I tread
I fall in and curse
How did I get down here?
It takes a long, long time
To get me out of there

I'm on the street again
I know that hole's right there
I carry on as though
There's just no need to care
I fall in again,
I can't believe my luck
It takes a long, long time
To pull me from the rut

Walking down the street
I hope the hole has moved
I see it plain enough,
Yet I'm down here cut and bruised
This time I find the sense
I open my eyes and see
Just how wrong I was
I climb out easily

I've got to change my life
I've got to make a move
If I always go the same way
How will I improve?
I want to move ahead
It's time to make the turn
This could be my last chance
To change my life and learn

I walk along the street
There's a big hole up ahead
But I won't blunder on
I'll walk around instead
My eyes are open now
I'm done with self-deceit
I know I'm changed forever
I'll walk another street

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: changes,endeavour,learning,liberation
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Arthur Moore

Arthur Moore

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Arthur Moore
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