Career Day Poem by Kay Hollister

Kay Hollister

Kay Hollister

a hospital
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Kay Hollister
a hospital
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Career Day

Today was career day,
And the children were all lined up,
to walk to the gymnasium,
to look at what they wanted to be some day.

A little girl stood in like,
anxious to go see,
In hopes that it would be there,
the table on what she wanted to be.

The children started walking,
and some began to talk,
but the little girl in back,
was shaking while she walked.

As they neared the gym,
The teacher said to go,
find a things they may want to be,
or ideas if they didnt know.

The little girl hesitated,
Should she go and see?
Or should she stay right here,
while the others started to flee?

She started walking slowly,
but began a faster pace,
she NEEDED to know if the table was there,
in the gym some place.

She stared around the gym,
her eyes, just the look in them,
you could tell she was amazed,
to she the giant place.

She thought she saw the table,
so she ran to look and see,
if it was the table,
of a person she might be.

It was.

she walked up to the man,
who stood behind the table,
and she stuttered something quiet,
'...can...can...can i be? '

The man looked down at her,
and said something quite strange,
'Yes little one, you see,
You can be anything you want to be.'

Now why did the girl find it strange?
That a man would say this thing,
because her momy told her,
that she couldn't be this thing.

Mommy always tried to protect her,
From the fate her husband had,
But she just couldn't see,
Her little girl, wanted to be like her daddy,
She wanted to be in the army.

'Daddy died a week ago',
she began to tell the man,
'I wanna be a soldier,
The best one that i can.'

' I wanna make my daddy proud,
as he looks down from Heaven,
I wanna make him see,
That I'm proud he fought to keep us free.'

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Kay Hollister

Kay Hollister

a hospital
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Kay Hollister
a hospital
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