Cancer cannot burn love,
Cancer cannot even shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith,
It can't take away peace.
It can't destroy your confidence
It can't kill friendship.
It cannot shut down memories,
It can't silence courage.
It can't invade the soul
It can't reduce eternal life
It can't quench the Spirits
it cannot burn or kill/take away anything but us
oh soo tru that is soo good your poetry is amazing my friend Godbless
wonderful..a good poem with rich idea and expression...lovely poem..loved it
I really love this poem... why don't you submit this to a cancer charity so they can use it in some of their campaigns?
A powerful thought strongly expressed. Impressive for one so young. This is a poem written by an indomitable spirit. The repetition of phrases build effectively. well done. acbellon
Lucia Domingos Fula if any thing can stop u from being the best that would be you.
It's a bit litany but true, melodious and strong. Love and Eternal Father give this young poet strength and the results are encouraging. Traditions, family and culture do the rest. I'm proud to have had the opportunity to comment upon it.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
hi Lucia, your poem is very touching and sad, why sweetie, you are young, so think positivly, but you are amazing your poem is verry good keep writing 'moza'