Canadian Born Poem by Emily Pauline Johnson

Emily Pauline Johnson

Emily Pauline Johnson

Chiefswood, Ontario
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Emily Pauline Johnson
Chiefswood, Ontario
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Canadian Born

Rating: 2.7

We first saw light in Canada, the land beloved of God;
We are the pulse of Canada, its marrow and its blood:
And we, the men of Canada, can face the world and brag
That we were born in Canada beneath the British flag.

Few of us have the blood of kings, few are of courtly birth,
But few are vagabonds or rogues of doubtful name and worth;
And all have one credential that entitles us to brag--
That we were born in Canada beneath the British flag.

We've yet to make our money, we've yet to make our fame,
But we have gold and glory in our clean colonial name;
And every man's a millionaire if only he can brag
That he was born in Canada beneath the British flag.

No title and no coronet is half so proudly worn
As that which we inherited as men Canadian born.
We count no man so noble as the one who makes the brag
That he was born in Canada beneath the British flag.

The Dutch may have their Holland, the Spaniard have his Spain,
The Yankee to the south of us must south of us remain;
For not a man dare lift a hand against the men who brag
That they were born in Canada beneath the British flag.

Susan Williams 28 January 2016

A fun-to-read nationalistic poem that does not come over as belligerent or hateful... just proud of its way of life.

24 0 Reply

The irony is that she speaks for the cancer that saturates the lands called Canada by superimposing a British imperial drone mentality for the actual function of the indigenous tribal societies. When the crown is crushed, that will be the only chance Canada has any real chance of not being brutally ravaged & corrosively colonized. As long a Canadians self subject themselves to the fascist monarch & cling to a proto-Roman heritage then this is just a conniving lie, psychologically projecting a false ego in the face of a stark reality.

2 8 Reply
Rajnish Manga 28 January 2016

Lovely poem from a wonderful poet. Easy to read, easy to understand, sweet rhyming and above all the pride for the country comes out of this stream of heartfelt words. Thanks.

5 0 Reply
Kim Barney 28 January 2016

My mother was born in Canada, but the British flag was no longer being flown there. They had their own flag by that time. Still, the poem exudes national pride and has good meter and rhyme.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 28 January 2016

Fascinating and most lovely poem depicting the pride of Canada born person under British regime for his being a Canadian. Hats off to the pride and love for one's own country and patriotism. Thanks for sharing.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 01 September 2018

TWO: I just like this poem very much. The poetess is proud of the country where she was born. The poem has a good meter and rhymes. Excellently well thought and created. Happy to be able to read such a poem. A true immortal poem. I am thankful to Poemhunter poem site, otherwise I'd never known about this loyal Canadian poet

1 2 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 01 September 2018

Such a brilliant poem and excellently created with fine end rhymes. The poetess is proud to be a Canadian Born. I have enjoyed this remarkable poem with the repeating lines in rhyme. There's a precious importance to repeat that. I have read this since Emily Pauline Johnson's parents are a mixed couple a mixed mohawk father and an english mother. This poem is amazingly worded.

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Baquee Billah Ahmed 01 September 2018

I LOVE IT.....................................................

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Shashika Samarathunga 06 August 2017

From Sri Lanka I love this poem coz not only my husband is living in Canada, but I really love You Canada, one day I ll come to see you Canada.

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Francie Lynch 28 January 2016

This poem is so outdated I want to vomit. Beneath the British flag more people have disappeared in the last hundred years than anything the Nazis did. They tried genocide on the Irish for seven hundred years. Rwanda would make you hurl. Read The Other Holocausts for a better description of the horrors. In the meantime, I'm proud to be Canadian under the Canadian flag.

5 9 Reply
Emily Pauline Johnson

Emily Pauline Johnson

Chiefswood, Ontario
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Emily Pauline Johnson
Chiefswood, Ontario
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