Can You Hear Me Now Poem by Joye Atkinson

Joye Atkinson

Joye Atkinson

Sumter South Carolina
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Joye Atkinson
Sumter South Carolina
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Can You Hear Me Now

I had another vision from the Lord the other day
It too was so powerful I had no words to say
I saw in the spirit destruction all around
Heavy smoke, broken glass debris covered the ground
I asked the Lord what happened with his eyes full of tears
He said they have not listened to my warnings now for years
I gave them many chances yet they still refused to hear
I sent many messangers but my words fell on deaf ears
I said Lord this looks like Sodom and Gamora long ago
Please explain what I am seeing and what I need to know
After a few minutes he looked at me and said
This represents everyone who tells the world I'm dead
The land I am showing you is the one you're living in
This is how it will end up if they remain in sin
I've shown great love and mercy but hear me when I say
I'm telling you in many ways it's almost judgement day
Very soon every soul will stand before my throne
No one will be there with them they will answer me alone
I am the only God there is if to another you should bow
My wrath will be upon you, can you hear me now

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Joye Atkinson

Joye Atkinson

Sumter South Carolina
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Joye Atkinson
Sumter South Carolina
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