Burning Farewell Poem by CHETAN PANDEY

Burning Farewell

Standing by the shivering door,
She whispered a weak Goodbye
Which wasn't bold enough for him,
But for her, unsatisfied.

Looking down at the frozen floor,
She tried to breathe in air
But defeated by the tear dumped eyes,
She wept and felt too lair.

Wobbling and shuffling she strained herself back,
Bolting the massive door,
All feelings collided and broke her down,
Leading an endless outpour.

Stone she was all among the cold walls,
Walking dead she tuned a hymn across the hall.
A shell without the Pearl, all that was she left,
And like a wingless bird in the sedges she crept.

Found sitting in front of the faded mirror,
She glanced at her mask.
Which appeared too grave and drunk with pain,
As the world becomes after dusk.

Reaching the window and staring out wide,
She imagined him coming back.
Like the way he came weeks before,
Leading her towards the deck.

But why? She thought it all again,
He wanted to live alone....
So all that her dead heart could offer him,
Was a burning farewell song.

Friday, December 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: alone
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