Breathless Fusion Poem by Jai K Garg

Jai K Garg

Jai K Garg

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Jai K Garg
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Breathless Fusion

A sweet fire tends to stroke love between us
Fragile touch plays to caress each silk curve
Trace’s wild desire in finger foreplay
As you join in the motley seduction
Lively action to the toss and turn
Within your extreme unabashed pleasure;

Let me take you with the few sensations
Covet wet slips to your destination
As you exploit every angle with bliss
Moving with new menacing perfection
Grind passionate quivers to my delight
Sway, to bounce with joyous exhilaration;

Divine entry in heavenly fusion
Surcharged breathlessness within collusions.

Maureen Desmond 23 June 2010

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Jai K Garg

Jai K Garg

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Jai K Garg
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