Breaking Down The Walls Poem by Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

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Scarlet .....
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Breaking Down The Walls

Rating: 2.9

I found it
the thing I’ve been searching for
searching for for so long
I found the lost ray of light
in this state total darkness
I can’t remember
ever seeing the light
I lost it all so long ago
when I was bruised and broken
I lost my trust
I lost my hope for happiness
I lost everything
but now I found something
and I find myself walking toward the light
the light I didn’t know I had
I’m walking
away from the darkness
away from the pain
I feel happy
I don’t remember ever feeling happy
I think
to myself is this real?
Or is it a just cruel joke?
If it’s a joke I don’t think I will survive
the downfall
I tell myself it is real
I just have to try to trust
I have to break down my walls
the walls I put up
to block the pain
to feel safe
but they left me trapped
and all alone
for they blocked out the happiness with the pain
and surprise surprise
just as I start to wonder how to break the walks down
they start to crumble around me
freeing me
telling me to trust
so I try it
I try to trust
and its not as hard as I though
I’ve never trusted someone
so soon
so quickly
is that a good thing?
Or am I setting myself up tp me broken and busied all over again
if I become broken and bruised again
I don’t think I can heal
but I want to try
I want to fight
fight the urge to build my walls back up
as they say there is no joy with out pain
I just hope the pain is in the past
and the future is filled with joy

Madly In Love 15 April 2007

U go gurl break down those wall

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Endlessly Imperfect 03 April 2007

very well written, a good flow happening. im glad u feel this way. i wish i could say the same. wel good luk with writing and with finding happiness. Luv Ally

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Leila K 30 March 2007

Congratulations....u did it..ur almost real proud of u....ur definitely gonna be ok....with love and hugs LeilaXXXXX

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Wandering Scarlet 30 March 2007

smash those wall to bits, free urself, and follow the light. the pain that you have suffered will soon end and even more joy is to come, to reward you for your suffereing, your strength to win the battle. and ya great poem

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Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

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Scarlet .....
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