Bravery Poem by Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

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Jim Yerman
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I'd like to think that I am brave…that in terms of bravery I've succeeded…
but when I look back on my life I wonder…how much bravery have I needed?

I'm a 67 year old white male…this is a good place to begin
as no one has ever hated me because of the color of my skin.

I've never been afraid to walk alone…I've never felt I wasn't free
I've never had the chance to be brave in the face of bigotry.

I have never been abused, embarrassed or made to feel shame…
I've never had another person call me a derogatory name.

I've never had to be brave when someone attacked the God in whom I believe.
No one has ever questioned my religion…how I pray, or dress…or grieve.

I am heterosexual…It's the way I was diagrammed…
I've never had to bravely say to the world…accept me for who I am.

I was a teacher…now retired…having spent a career in academics…
but I've never had to summon the bravery it takes…to teach in a pandemic.

I've never had the bravery to tell my family we could not pay our rent…
to look them in their eyes and say…our money's all been spent.

I was not a nurse, a doctor, a policeman, a fireman or a soldier
I was never in the fray
I never had to show the bravery…these people exhibit every day.

I've had an easy and a wonderful life…I've enjoyed the ride upon this wave
and I am thankful because of who I am…I've never needed to be brave…

And I am grateful to all of you who have been…all you heroes I've seen made…
by doing what you know is right even when you've been afraid…

I shall always admire who you are…all of you
how your bravery inspires…how it stirs…
and I only hope that someday…
I can add my bravery to yours.

Friday, August 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: bravery
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Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman

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Jim Yerman
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