Blind Love Poem by Lori Oglevie

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Lori Oglevie

Lori Oglevie

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Lori Oglevie
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Blind Love

Rating: 2.7

It’s true you see,
before you, I never knew me.

I struggled with a battle deep inside,
Everything I knew and felt seemed to collide.

By chance we met.
We were determined to create our own fate.
We’d hang and have fun together,
a chance we would take.

With time, somehow, I realized that I loved you,
It was the most beautiful thing in my heart,
still I felt blue....
I knew your love would never be for me,
I didn't want to accept it,
although I knew it would never be.

I will not cry, nor give up strength,
and never forsake or give or take.

One day, together I hope we will create.
That God will unite us in one form or fait,
even if only in my dreams through heated passion.
My deepest desires will rise like a mansion.

I will take it as truth, and live out my dream.
Even if all I have is a fantasy.

You complete me in many ways, and have given me a gift.
That I will cherish until I die...and lay to rest.
That gift is true love that I feel for you,
I will rise to the heavens with only thoughts of you.

From your rib I was made,
and from the love I partake.

I just wish you would realize you can love me,
and trust the gift that was bestowed upon me,
and never forsake the gift that God have given
and experience the true love
that was truly given.

This was something you always knew,
that you could not give to me,
yet never wanted to feud.
For your lack of love for me,
would destroy our joined family.

So you forge down this path, pretending to be,
happy, content, and complete.

Knowing the other past paths you have chosen
has ended in pain,
and left you broken....
starting over with backpack in hand...
and only two smokes as you stand.

You look with fear.... of the thought of turning away from me...
for you know....... your strength is within me.

But you choose only to love
but yourself,
and not to give into youthful self.

Because if you love one day....
you know,
that your feeling of lust...
will dismay.

You will turn to corrupt your heart....
than you are left the responsibility
of someone broken heart.

Face it.
We were created to complete each other,
the perfect fit.
If only you could feel it,
would it actually be fit.

You know that I love you,
and this will always be.
And you not knowing love....
doesn't have to be.

So on I forge with dispirit desire,
to convince my heart
you will one day desire.

The love I give
is heaven sent
and cherish me one hundred percent.

Give up your past
and silly compassion's.
And find true love
that you can only imagine.

I am here...can't you see?

Or....? is it true...
that you....
really don't love me?

Written by Lori Michelle Oglevie

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Lori Oglevie

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