Blind Father Poem by mandy sotwili

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mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili

transkei, South Africa
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mandy sotwili
transkei, South Africa
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Blind Father

It is sad how you wish to see my face
You walk slowly towards the door
Stepping on eggs so carefully
How I wish I could go inside your heart
Feel your pain as u hold that stick on you hand.

You look around and call out my name
From that moment I feel your love
Even behind th darkness
You can still feel my presence
I know, no matter how much I have grown, I'll always be your little girl

Its sad what growth takes away from us, happy moments we have shared
You have seen me grow into a mature woman.
And now you will never see me in my gown.

I respect you as a father, grand father
Your friends respect you as a brother
My mom- a good husband.

You have brought us up with pride
With respect that we may refer to our elders ' father, mother & sister'

Oh! Man of integrity, pride& honor
Oh! How I love you

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mandy sotwili

mandy sotwili

transkei, South Africa
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mandy sotwili
transkei, South Africa
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