Black, beautiful, rhythmic Souls.
What beauty us, is it our melanin skin, blue
black as elongated shadows jiving, beneath this
moonlight, I do not know but I do know that our soul
tells of beauty, then our heart affirms, what a beautiful
phenomenal affair, truly the unseen power is……
Black, beautiful, rhythmic Souls.
What moves us, is it our rhythmic heart, echoing the footsteps
of our soul, I do not know but I do know we are our ancestors for
the past knows well the present, and the present can tell about
the future, we are the ones before, our identity written in bloodline,
affirmed in ancestral clan names and rhythmic praise poems, truly the
power of the unseen is
|Sazi KaMzibeni|
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem