Birdsong brings relief
to my longing
I'm just as ecstatic as they are,
but with nothing to say!
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O Love come to me as the song of bird as the of butterfly as the song of rosy fragrance not alone I'm you also with me here yeah let me sing within your singing voice……../// always great RUMI, always love HIM cause He is my inner journey maker
A great poem, I love short poems which say more than a thousand stanzas! Wonderful talent here!
Distracted by life and by all that's around me, give life some meaning, so I won't have to repeat it.
A simple life song with profound meaning relating to spirituality.
Please universal soul, practice The poet's longing for becoming the instrument of God some song or something through me!
Let our souls be the strings of lyre played by the Almighty.
I'm just as ecstatic as they are, the birds which sing........thank u. tony
The voice of the poet waiting impatiently for the Muse to work through him
Beautiful poem shared with us. Thanks for the lovely poem.
Please universal soul, practice some song or something through me! well wishing, excellently penned
An amazing write about nature with a trickle of spiritual wisdom.
Yes! He speaks what we haven't found the words to express! A good way to start the day- A Rumi poem to bless our soul and please our heart and instruct our mind! ! !
A lovely observatat ion about us humans trying to find something to do in life.
I love his poetry..a ten thank you for sharing your wisdom through the ages..
I'm just as ecstatic as they are, but with nothing to say! ...../// love for you o great