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Just today, my husband came in and said a hawk had killed another of our doves. That's the second one in about 2 days. The heads of both doves were torn off. Yes, what a bird-eat-bird world. You poem sums it all up very succinctly. Good job.
A picture is worth a thousand words. We do live in a bird eat bird world. You have changed the landscape of our expression with this real poem!
Wow, the poem and the photo together bring home to a person. Very poignant and well written.
Wow...with the photo...the poem becomes both light and dark. It is mix of gothic and grotesque...Just excellent...A 10! Chien mange chien indeed.
A pathetic scene you have nicely envisioned.Your photo attached to it reacts the eyes and mind. Many thanks dear Barney.
I love birds, but this shatters me. But is it really surprising? This is nature at its most perplexing. The killer bird was probably hungry, so he took himself a meal. Out of necessity, it's almost forgivable. But man kills man for insane reasons, and most of the time, not out of necessity.In my own backyard, I have seen small birds fall prey to hawks, so it is not unusual. I do like your poem, Kim, and the photo fits perfectly.
i see i have a typo in my 2nd comment below (the one from 2016) . oh well, i'm not ALWAYS perfect. just most of the time! i enjoyed this once again. thanks. to MyPoemList if it 'ain't' there already. bri :)