Biology Is Beautiful (Educational) Poem by Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Colorado, USA
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Spock the Vegan
Colorado, USA
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Biology Is Beautiful (Educational)

Rating: 5.0

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes not 24 as was thought.
Many ‘facts' have changed from when I was taught.
Each chromosome contains from 50 to 2000 genes.
Some of my High School teachers didn't know beans.

The DNA molecule is very complex, but not diabolical.
Every cell of every living organism contains a DNA molecule.
It contains the chemical instructions to create the organism
Including the bones of a working mechanism.

Here are some facts without any formality:
There are more atoms in one DNA molecule than
there are stars in the Milky-Way Galaxy
(204 billion) .

The DNA molecule is a double helix, but there is a separate
smaller circular mitochondrial DNA molecule in each cell.
The former you get half from your father and half from
your mother. The latter you get all from your mother.

Human cells have 46 of the double helix DNA molecules
each. The mitochondrial DNA is duplicated about 8000
times in each cell. With 10 trillion cells in the human
body, that gives about 10 trillion-trillion DNA atoms.

There are an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 genes
in the human genome. The haploid human genome
consists of a total of over 3 billion DNA base pairs.

Scientists have identified about 1.4 million locations where
single-base DNA differences occur in humans.
This information may revolutionize the processes of
finding chromosomal locations for disease-associated
sequences and tracing human history.

Biology Is Beautiful (Educational)
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: disease,galaxy,high school,history,human,science,teacher
Based on facts.
The title is a line in my poem 'Sience is Super'
Spock The Vegan 03 February 2016

Thank you all for your kind remarks. I hope that these educational poem will contribute to the betterment of mankind, if only in a small way.

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Rosie Bourget 24 December 2015

Very informative, keep up the good work. Votre poem est tres interessant et educatif. Continuez sur la lancee! ! !

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Pamela Sinicrope 18 October 2015

I like your poems highlighting learning... Good to share with kids who wonder 'why is this relevant? ? ? ' I do research in genomics for a living on the non-technical side.. Trying to figure out how/why/when to deliver genomic results... Challenging when thinking of thousands of potentially relevant results!

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Agatha Eliza 18 October 2015

Impressive, thought-provoking poem.

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 04 October 2015

Verily, a very informative poem, Loved reading it, I invite you to read my poems

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Spock the Vegan

Spock the Vegan

Colorado, USA
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Spock the Vegan
Colorado, USA
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