Betrayal Of A Lover Poem by Umasree Raghunath

Umasree Raghunath

Umasree Raghunath

Eluru, AndhraPradesh, India
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Umasree Raghunath
Eluru, AndhraPradesh, India
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Betrayal Of A Lover

Date: 8th April 2014

Betrayal of a lover

Though cast the spell of silences, oh my love,
You have abandoned me in disguise
Without sharing the silent whispers in my ears
Where have you been leaving me alone?

Without the happy gales of laughter
Of your humor and your wishful smiles
Life is never the same again
From the day you went away in pain

Caught between the tears that do not fall
Or the thoughts that fail on us to forget
Hopes that stop from accepted truth
Of the unpardonable betrayal from you

If you cannot hold on to love true
Never ever hurt another heart in the name of love
For Love is not a feeling that can stand
The betrayal of such a distasteful love

What ever be the reasons of the betrayal, my love,
I only wish you listened to the echoes of your heart
Not imprisoned by sentiments and stories
That made your mind influenced above love

Just let it go away, my heart, my dream
Of living the life with you always
For once you proved that you are no where
Deserving of my love, my true love; go away!

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Umasree Raghunath

Umasree Raghunath

Eluru, AndhraPradesh, India
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Umasree Raghunath
Eluru, AndhraPradesh, India
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