Betrayal Poem by Raymond Simmons

Raymond Simmons

Raymond Simmons

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Raymond Simmons
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Rating: 5.0

During my youth I was okay,
And tried to do things the proper way.
I was proud to be honest and straight,
Yet on one occasion I did deviate.

Dark temptation proved to be strong,
I did something I knew was wrong.
The worse part about such a sin,
Was that I did wrong to my friend.

When I recall my treachery
My heart feels shame and misery.
To betray a friend's trust in you
Is the lowest thing you can do.

I hid it well, she never knew,
But my insides were all askew.
Passing time can't change that event
My constant guilt is punishment.

My enlightened priorities
Presents me with this need to grieve.
I wish I could apologize.
Wish I could look into her eyes.

But the one thing that I still fear,
Is the pain within each sad tear.
I'll never have the nerve it takes,
To bear pain for two hearts that break.

Sunday, November 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: regret,relationships,trust,betrayer
Dr Dillip K Swain 21 November 2017

A fabulous poem, amazing flow rhyming too. Let me quote....But the one thing that I still fear, Is the pain within each sad tear. I'll never have the nerve it takes, To bear pain for two hearts that break. - A see a promising poet here to amuse the whole world! Many congratulations dear poet! !

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Raymond Simmons 23 November 2017

Thank you so much fellow poet for taking the time to read and write those comments.

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Chinedu Dike 19 November 2017

A well texted and nicely thought out poem, embellished in poetic rhyme and rhythm. Deep feelings elegantly brought forth with insight. Thanks for sharing Raymond.

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Raymond Simmons 23 November 2017

Thank you for the words of encouragement. That means a lot.

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Raymond Simmons

Raymond Simmons

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Raymond Simmons
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